The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the
use we make of them; a man may live long yet live very little. The truth is
that you can spend your life any way you want, but you can spend it only
once. People who see the big picture
expand their experience because they expand their world, and as a result- they
accomplish more. Have you ever heard
that expression “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there?” That phrase was
undoubtedly coined by someone who had trouble seeing the big picture. The world
was built by people who “crossed bridges” in their minds long before anyone
else did. The only way to break new ground or move into uncharted territory is
to look beyond the immediate and see the big picture. Learn from every
experience. Don’t rest on your successes , learn from them but more importantly
learn from your failures. Remain teachable.
Varied experiences – both positive and negative-help you see the big
picture. Sometimes you’re going to have
to go against the flow of the world. Society likes to keep people in boxes. Don’t
seek safety and simple answers. Give yourself permission to go a different way,
to break new ground, to find new worlds to conquer. Think big picture, keep
learning, and keep growing. And when
your world does get bigger, you need to celebrate. Onwards and upwards J